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Tips for the Longest Week of the Year

Welcome to the longest week of the year! This past Sunday marked the summer solstice. The Earth’s North Pole is at its maximum tilt toward the sun shedding long days of light onto the northern hemisphere.  Throughout history this has been a time where we have celebrated the sun.  The crops thrive in the warmer climates, festivals liven up our cities, and children thrilled to be out of school run half-naked through sprinklers. It is a time to relax, be [...]

The Arrows We Launch

My daughter got married this weekend.  It was a beautiful wedding that has left me feeling both complete and exhausted. This morning, in the aftermath of such a joyful event, I am reminded of a passage that I read not long after she was born. It is from the book, The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran Your children come through you but not from you. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow. You may strive [...]

Your Presence is Requested

Your presence is requested… It’s a pretty simple invitation, yet so hard to accept. In our multitasking world we are often communicating with more than one person at a time via text, phone, and email. Unfortunately, while this might seem efficient, the message multitasking can communicate to the person in front of us is that they are of lessor importance. Not a message most of us want to send! Yet, we do this all the time – at work, with [...]

The Secret Behind Confident People

How attractive is the person that exudes inner confidence. They tend to move with grace, comfortable in their own skin, glowing with an aura of humble self-acceptance. We sense their calming presence and we want to be more like them. We envy their well-being and wonder if it came to them by way of prescription or mantra. Whatever it is, we want it! So here’s the secret. Confident people make a habit of a few key behaviors. They align their [...]

How My Morning Tea Changes My Day

I am very fortunate to live in a small beach town that is nestled along the alcoves of a foothill.  The landscape is dotted with cottage homes, sandy white shores, and bold red flowering vines along winding paths that lead to intimate beaches. It’s lovely. Since I moved here last year these sights have become as familiar as the many faces I see each morning on my walk.  Among them are a handful of homeless men and women who have [...]

The Magic of Self-Correction

We are self-healing organisms. When we get a cut, the body unconsciously activates a series of responses that mend the damaged tissues. When we work with our natural system we heal. Our spirit is no different. We can take a wrong direction in life, or stay in a job, or relationship that keeps us harnessed to our fears. But if we are not living the life we were born to live, or moving in that direction, our inner GPS will [...]

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