Is It Really Over?
September traditionally marks the end of summer. The vacations are over. Kids are back in school and engagement in the duties of life seems to increase. Fall then becomes a time of settling down. A time to center in our routines and perhaps a return to a rhythm that kindles the deeper parts of our being. It is the time of the year to allow the stimulation of light and spontaneity to ebb, as it should, to give way to [...]
3 Questions to Brand Yourself
The concept of branding has taken an interesting twist in recent years. It has gone beyond the distinctions of products like Kleenex and Clorox and has entered the world of personal integrity. Staying "On Brand" is now a way to promote our best-self and stay consistent with our values. The process is fairly simple and begins with questions like these to help us identify our strengths and virtues: What could you spend endless hours talking about? What can you do [...]
Are you talking too much?
Talking is one of those behaviors that can work for or against us. It most often works against us when we are not aware of how we are being perceived. Sharing too much information to prove a point can seem pushy while over-communicating to avoid an uncomfortable pause will likely read as insecure or anxious. Talking too much about ourselves may look egotistical while speaking in circles or jumping from loosely related topics can make us appear unfocused (and possibly [...]
Is the Right You in Charge of Your Mind?
Lately my mind has been that of an anarchy. A bunch of different voices yelling over one another resisting the urge for any kind of governance. This happens most often when I let it happen. When there are too many choices and decisions to make and my hyperactive thinking breakdowns any kind of reasonable process to manage it all. The only way to get my Zen back is to stop long enough to see where I am. That somehow in the course of [...]
Do What You Love
If you read my weekly post, sometimes you find a best practice tip, sometimes a thought-provoking slice of life and sometimes, like today, a little something about a person achieving their personal best. It's all meant to inspire and this week I was inspire by Gustavo Dudamel. I saw Gustavo conducting a classical music concert at the Hollywood Bowl. What added to the enchantment of the evening was watching Dudamel direct the symphony with a smile so full of joy [...]
How to De-Stress Your Day
In the midst of a stressful day, when I was making life more complicated than it needed to be, I took time out and went down to the beach. As I sat on the sand watching the waves roll in, a little girl in a bright blue swim suit ran up to show me her hand full of sand crabs. While the small creatures scurried to find shelter between her tiny fingers the little girl engaged me in a lively [...]