By Published On: March 6th, 2015Categories: Managing Transitions, Self-Development

What makes success?

The other day in my busy neighborhood, I passed a young girl sitting at a folding table in her parents’ driveway.  A few feet from the curb was a big sign that read “Girl Scout cookies for sale.”   I continued on my way to the end of the block where another large sign appeared…”No more cookies for another 100 miles.”  I laughed out loud, turned around, and went back to buy a few boxes.

We can often get caught up in elaborate strategies to achieve success and forget about what’s most important.  After all, success is often achieved through a focused goal and hard work.  Add a sense of humor and a little fun and you have the recipe for exceptional results.  Just ask the 8-year-old scout who shared with me that day that she had sold over 700 boxes!

What’s your focused goal?  And what actions will help you achieve it?

Enjoy your weekend,
