By Published On: April 29th, 2015Categories: Inspirational, Purposeful Living

I have a few favorite passages in my book and the other day a reader made mention of one. In the scene, the protagonist Kate, who recently lost her job and is struggling in a relationship with her fiancé, shares how unsettled she feels. Emma, the wise maternal figure she visits for the weekend responds by explaining how silver is made.

“It’s melted down in a vat.” She says “The silver maker then turns up the heat so the impurities that are imbedded in the metal float to the top. Everything that is not authentic can then be seen and removed.

I love the passage because it seems so fitting to life.  When our world heats up it often forces us to let go of thoughts and negative beliefs that are not true to our nature. After all, the essence after removing our negativity tends to be pure. I think the trick is to find and preserve our true selves so we don’t spend too much time in the inferno.

