Last spring, I received a call from a woman who had just been laid off from her job. Despite the fact that she had a long commute and found it profoundly difficult to leave her young children each day, she loved her work and was the primary financial contributor to her family.
She had 6 months of severance so we talked about opportunities. She wanted to start her own company, but admitted she was extremely risk adverse and felt she needed the security of a large organization (as ironic as that was at that point). After further discussion, she agreed to dedicate the next 3 months to setting up her own business out of a home office.
A month later, I received an email that she had landed a small client. Three weeks later she sent me a note that she contracted with another. Last week, she let me know that she just signed the largest contact to date working on a project for the company that laid her off. She was now making substantially more money than she was as an employee while working at home and being accessible to her children. Now that’s security. Trust your opportunities. They tend to lead us where we really want to be.