By Published On: March 10th, 2015Categories: Inspirational, Managing Transitions, Personal Development

“Change happens to everybody. Wisdom occurs when you use the change wisely.”

The quote appeared in my novel, but it was first spoken to me by my favorite aunt, O’Dell.  O’Dell was a hillbilly, the oldest of 16 children.  She lived through poverty, the death of most of her siblings, and the loss of two of her own children.  She didn’t have a lot of reasons to be happy, but she always was.

O’Dell saw life as a gift. With each change she would ask herself what she needs to release.  How would the change deepen her values or alter her direction?  What resources would help her manage today in order to see a better tomorrow?

My aunt passed away just before Christmas, leaving me with many gifts of the heart, but none greater than how to embrace change.  After all, she lived much of her life without indoor plumbing, yet, her obituary was posted on her Facebook page.

Is there a change in your life that is asking you to release something, deepen your values, or adjust your direction?

Enjoy your week,
