By Published On: October 15th, 2015Categories: Inspirational, Personal Development, Women Leaders

It has been said that women do not help other women get ahead in the workplace. Yet, in my experience, this could not be further from the truth. My executive coaching practice began because Sharon, a CEO I met at a luncheon, asked me to work with 2 of her leaders. I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to do at the time, and when I asked she simply said, “Figure it out.” Sharon later told me she saw something in me, and wanted to give me the opportunity to bring it to life.

This sentiment was brought to my attention again this week by a gesture from Carole, one of my blog readers. Carole won our recent contest for a free coaching session. She wrote to tell me how excited she was about this opportunity for herself. Yet, a few days later, Carole contacted me and asked if she could transfer the coaching session to another person. She wanted to give it to a woman in her early thirties that is embarking on a new career. Carole told me that she sees something very special in this young lady and wants to give her the opportunity to help her succeed.

Thank you Carole for paying it forward and for being one of the many, many women who support the growth and success of our fellow sisters.

Would love to hear how a woman has helped you in the workplace.



  1. alma October 16, 2015 at 10:21 PM

    Dear Dawn,
    I am responding to your request of how women help other women in the workplace. I met Kate about 10 years ago, when she was hired to be my manager. Kate is an intelligent, caring, confident and a women of strength. Kate has greatly influenced the growth in my career, by believing in me and providing the opportunity for growth in our field. Her confidence and willingness to question the status quo, have provided me with a model on which to build my own confidence and self-starter attitude. I have made great strides not only in my career, but also in my character. I agree with you, there are plenty of women who help other women in the workplace. God has placed good women in my life to help me along. I too make it a point to pay it forward. Kate and I no longer work together, but remain friends. Keep up the good work, I enjoy receiving your blog via email.

    • dawnkohler November 4, 2015 at 4:16 PM

      Dear Alma,

      Sorry for the delay, for some reason this just came through. I love your story about Kate. It is so inspiring to hear women mentoring women in the work place. It truly is amazing what we are able to accomplish when somebody else believes in us. It’s what strengthens our belief in ourselves. The key to everything!

      Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story.

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