By Published On: February 17th, 2016Categories: Self-Development

You know what they say about a point-of-view. Everybody has one. It’s easy to blurt out a fleeting thought, or a not-so-fleeting bias with little consideration for how it might land on our listener. Even with good intentions a strong point-of-view can turn off co-workers, family and friends if we have not taken the steps to gain influence.

Before the words irrevocably leave your lips consider asking questions to better understand the subject matter. Suspend your judgment long enough to see the issue in a greater context. Then be willing to stay open in a discussion and flexible to change your point-of-view if new information arises that destroys the logic of your premise.

Lastly, before sharing your thoughts you might want to hold the words an extra second while you depersonalize the subject matter. “I think we need more information on what’s causing the delays.” Is better than blurting out, “You are a complete A-hole for not making your deadlines again.” The latter might feel good in the moment but the aftertaste is rarely worth the purge.


  1. paolo February 17, 2016 at 4:19 PM

    Thank you, Dawn,
    always good to be reminded of this. Never enough. Best, paolo

    • dawnkohler February 17, 2016 at 4:26 PM

      Paolo! Thank you for the comment. Hope to see you again soon!

  2. Christine February 17, 2016 at 5:48 PM

    Agreed. Many years ago I was told by a former boss to count to 1o before I speak.
    I’ve never forgotten this and use it ALL the time. Sometimes I need to count to 60.

    • dawnkohler February 17, 2016 at 5:53 PM

      Great to hear from you Chris! And yes sometimes the 10 count just doesn’t do it. Love that you can make it to 60.

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