By Published On: August 14th, 2015Categories: Inspirational, Managing Transitions, Purposeful Living, Self-Development

Lately my mind has been that of an anarchy. A bunch of different voices yelling over one another resisting the urge for any kind of governance. This happens most often when I let it happen. When there are too many choices and decisions to make and my hyperactive thinking breakdowns any kind of reasonable process to manage it all.

The only way to get my Zen back is to stop long enough to see where I am. That somehow in the course of life I forgot to take time in the morning to center my mind. That the voice I want to govern my thoughts is not the loud one, the scary one, or the one that bullies me with guilt into doing things I don’t really want to do.

The voice I want in charge of my thinking is the one that centers with a deep breath. The voice that does not fight to be heard over the clamoring of disjointed thoughts but instead waits patiently in the recesses of my mind until I give it the room and the silence to be heard. Then, and only then, does the madness stop. I welcome once again my wise old friend and am thankful she is patient, and always there when I am ready to return.

Wishing you a deep breath and a centered inner voice this week.

One Comment

  1. Kathryn Downing August 18, 2015 at 5:47 PM

    Hello Dawn, this really resonates with me this morning. It is an inspiring way of thinking of all the noise and remembering how to find my centered places. Thank you.

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