By Published On: April 5th, 2022Categories: Inspirational, Purposeful Living

I was walking up the beach early this morning. The water was calm and the air nearly still.  Two women with English accents stopped me and pointed out to the ocean.  The one women said “I am either seeing a whale–or the Loch Ness monster.” To which I quickly assure her it was definitely the Loch Ness monster.

Moments later a large creature emerges not far from the shore, its long grey body appeared like a slow moving rock with white barnacles adhered to its rubbery surface.  The women and I take a collective deep gasp. As the whale gracefully submerges a small tail pops up by her side.  After another sigh of delight, I explain to the women the migration patterns of the whales and at this time of year they are returning from Mexico with their newborns.

We then watch in silence as mother and baby make a leisurely swim up the coast. Nobody is in a hurry. The women are on vacation. I don’t have clients for several hours, and the whale is pacing to the needs of her young. Life slows to an easy current.

As the whales moves out of sight, we say our goodbyes and walk back into our lives. This sets the tone for the day as I am reminded, and thankful, for how much one can experience when not in a hurry.