By Published On: January 11th, 2017Categories: Managing Transitions, Professional Development

I have heard more grumblings as of late from people feeling passionless. Their needs are met, they make good money, they are even in satisfying relationships. Yet there is a blankness in their stare that reflects the baffling void once filled with a flame.

Purpose and passion go hand-in-hand. It’s the activity that lives at the intersection of a Venn diagram of three things: What you love to do, your skills or natural gifts, and a need in the world begging to be addressed—by you!

When people find where their Venn diagram intersects, they find their purpose, their calling. Yet those who are living their calling rarely stumble upon it. Purpose and passion is something you find, make time for, and set as a priority. Only then can we nurture the spark of passion into a warming flame.

Where does your venn diagram intersect?

image by Patrick Cook-Deegan , syndicated from Greater Good.